10th   I chaired the Planning Committee Meeting of the Parish Council.   Concern was expressed regarding further planning applications in Scotby for residential accommodation and also for the erection of a Wind Turbine at Wheelbarrow Hall.

12th   Off to see the sites of two planning applications for wind turbines one near the village of Orton and the other near Durdar crossroads.   It was an extremely cold day with much ice at Orton and after our site visit at Durdar the Chairman had arranged hot drinks, coffee and tea at the local hostelry.   In the evening I attended the monthly meeting of the Parish Council which this month was held in Cotehill Village Hall.   Matters arising from the meeting included the appointment of our newest Councillor Mrs Sam McAlister to various committees, the adoption of the minutes of Planning and Finance Committees, Clerk’s Report, external representations, payment of accounts and discussion on the possibility of village newsletters produced by the Ward Councillors.   This idea was not shared by all members and will be brought forward at a future meeting.

13th   The Mayor’s Charity Committee was held in the Civic Centre at 3 p.m. when an up-to-date state of fund raising events were discussed and new ideas put forward.   In the evening my wife and I attended the Christmas Carol Service in the Cathedral by the Churches Together Group.   The first two carols were sung in the Cathedral and then we went out into the City, together with children from Norman Street School dressed in Nativity costumes, to sing carols to the” late night shopping” residents.

14th   The Development Control Committee met at 10 a.m. and considered the planning applications brought forward.   As a committee we did not always agree with the Officer’s recomendation but we had to have a reason for not agreeing (e.g. a relevant criteria or policy).   In the evening I was at a meeting called by my local county councillor Nick Marriner, together with our two local M.Ps. John Stevenson and Rory Stewart, and over 100 residents to discuss the detrunking of the A69 from the Brampton Roundabout to Junction 43 of the M6 Motorway and replace it with the A689 from the Brampton Roundabout to Junction 44 of the M6 Motorway.   The was much favour of the idea in the hall and it was proposed that a petition be raised and presented to the Department of Transport.

15th   My wife and I attended  the rendering  of J. S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Carols for Choir and Audience at St Mary’s Church in Wigton, sung by the Wigton Choral Society with visiting lead singers and music by the Cumbria Camerata.   It was an excellent evening and we thoroughly enjoyed the ambiance.

16th   At 10 a.m. my wife and I were at the Civic Carol Service  at St Cuthbert’s Church in the City Centre.   It brought the whole meaning of Christmas into our busy lives and the hope of a better year ahead.