29th June   Two meetings this evening, the first being a special meeting of the Governors of Scotby School to determine the new structure of the board of governors as laid down by the Department of Education.   There will, in future, be no Community Governors and a reduction in Parent Governors and Foundation Governors in order that the number of Governors is reduced from 18 to 12.   But the Governing Body may co-opt people to be governors if the have required skills.   I had to leave the meeting before all decisions had been made as I had a monthly meeting of the Planning Committee of the Parish Council.   A number of new planning applications were discussed and our observations made to the planning department of the City Council.

30th   Today I was back in the the Civic Centre for a training session of the Audit Committee of which I am a substitute member.   The main thrust of the meeting was the “Statement of Accounts”, as there has been some changes in the regulations as to how they will be presented in the future, and they are on the agenda of the Audit Committee meeting next week.

1st July   An early morning meeting at the newly built Club Room on the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Playing Field, Wetheral of the Management Committee.   The meeting was to discuss snagging problems and the possible ways to correct them.   We have problems with drainage from the showers and many ideas have been put forward and at last there was agreement as to the way forward.   Let us hope that it works and there are no further problems.   Another problem is the render on the outside walls that has been replaced once but is still causing problems.   It was agreed to get further information as to the cause and to determine the cost of getting another company to carry out the work.   But the responsibility rests with the developer and as it was a fixed price contract, the financial implications.

2nd   This afternoon I am attending a meeting organised by ACT (Action for Communities in Cumbria) at the new Wetheral Community Village Hall on Community Buildings on behalf of Scotby Village Hall where I am on the Management Committee.   The meeting was designed for Village Hall Management Committees as to how they go about either improving their hall or rebuilding it.   There were ideas of how to plan for the future, how to raise funds and the legal hoops that need to be addressed.   All together a well planned exercise.   On Saturday I will be at the annual Village Fete at Wetheral; let us hope that the weather will be kind.