13th   I celebrated my birthday on Saturday, receiving some 14 cards from well-wishers.   Got up early for a walk around Talkin Tarn, where we had coffee on the veranda overlooking the lake, then on to the new restaurant at Rickerby for lunch.   In the evening we were at the Classical Concert in The Cathedral with the Festival Choir.   But today I was again up early in order to meet up with the City Council’s  Arborist, Charles Bennett to discuss the pruning of trees adjacent to the Village Green, Scotby but on land owned by Anchor Housing at Scotby Steading.   Some of the trees have Tree Preservation Orders on them and in order to get permission to crown lift a planning application has to be submitted.

14th   Today I attended a meeting arranged by Smiths Gore/ Savills to gain public support/ consultation on a planning application to build some 40 to 50 dwellings on lane in Wetheral opposite the new Village Hall.   The meeting was well attended by residents who were very vocal on their opinions!   Being a member of the Development Control Committee of the City Council I could not comment and only went along to see what they were intending to build.   In the evening there was the meeting of the City Council.   The agenda was quite extensive with questions by a member of the public (which was deferred due to their illness) regarding “Parks and Play Areas in Botcherby” and also a question by a member, Councillor Paul Nedved regarding the state of and the future action to be taken regarding The Central Plaza Hotel building in Carlisle.   The reports from the Portfolio Holders and the minutes and reports of the various Overview and Scrutiny Panels followed together with reports and minutes of other committee meetings that have been held since the last meeting of the Council.   Six proposals submitted by the Executive were approved and appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs of some committees were also approved.   The meeting finished with two agenda items in private, with the public excluded due to the sensitive nature of the reports.

16th   Another early morning this time in order to carry out an Audit of Health and Safety at Scotby School where I am a Governor and on the Health and Safety/Buildings Committee.   The meeting took some two hours to complete and I now have a report to write to be submitted to the Board of Governors at their next meeting.   In the afternoon I attended the local doctor’s surgery to see the practice nurse as I have gone deaf in my right ear!!   On Saturday I will be going to Bowness-on-Solway to support an afternoon tea held by a local group to raise funds for the NSPCC.   Then on Sunday my wife and I have been invited to lunch at an hotel in the Lake District.