20th   The development Control Committee of the City Council went on the usual site visits to view contentious planning applications leaving the Civic Centre at 19 a.m.   The first site visited was at Monkhill, a small hamlet to the west of Carlisle and was for an outline permission for seven properties with all matters reserved.   It was a renewal of an application made previously and members had the same questions answered.  We then proceeded to Burgh by Sands where an application for 24 properties at King Edwards Fauld was inspected; some time last year the site had been viewed by the Committee due to an outline application but the developer now presented a full application.   Finally we went onto Blackford village where a Commercial business was requesting permission to site his equipment and offices adjacent to residential properties.

21st   The Annual General Meeting of the Carlisle Conservative  Association was held at the Creighton Rugby Club, Sycamore Lane, Parkland Village at 7 p.m.   The President, Lady Henley, welcomed all present and the minutes of last year’s AGM were approved and questions answered.   The Chairman, Geoff Mitchell, then gave his report followed by the treasurer, Martin Ward, presenting the annual finance statement for the year ending 31st December 2018,   The election of officers then took place with Geoffrey Osborne becoming Deputy Chairman (Political) and Christine Finlayson, Deputy Chairman (Membership and Finance).   Geoffrey Mitchell was appointed Data Protection Officer and the meeting ended with Councillor John Mallinson  giving a report of the Cumbria Conservative Association

22nd   The pre-meeting of the Conservative Councillors on the Development Control Committee met at 9.15 a.m. at the Civic Centre in order to discuss the Agenda.   The public meeting started in the Council Chamber at 10 a.m. with only six applications to be determined and then the first application, the Commercial property at Blackford being deferred by the planning officers.   The applications at Burgh by Sands and Monkhill were approved with conditions as were an extension to a property at Kirkandrews Moat, Longtown and a gypsy pitch on a bridle-way off Broomfallen Road, Scotby.   However, an application for a car-wash at Houghton Hall Garden Centre, Houghton was refused due to the problem with foul water and a licence from the Environment Agency.   The Committee then discussed five planning decisions that had been decided by the Government Planning Inspector following an appeal.   Most but not all supported our decisions.