Another quiet week with the start of the week delivering election leaflets for the Conservative Candidate for the by-election in Castle Ward, Mel Andrews.

1st September   I was up early to take my wife for her yearly check up at the doctors before going to Vibralife in Etterby where I have treatment for a back pain in their Spa Pod.   By 1 a.m. I was at the Civic Centre to attend the Policy Group of the Carlisle Conservative Councillors.   For two hours we discussed the way forward and the issues which we wish to pursue which we will put to the electorate for the next election in 2018.    In the evening I had arranged a table of ten, at the Crown Hotel, Wetheral for a dinner with the Guest Speaker being Jacob Reece-Mogg, M.P. who was there at the request of our local M.P., John Stevenson.   Jacob was a supporter of Brexit and his after-dinner speech was mainly the reasons for his support.   An excellent speaker and a very pleasant evening with friends.

3rd   The start of the monthly Christian Men’s Breakfast at the Carlisle Golf Club in Aglionby.   On this occasion the speaker was Sheila Goodliffe who was for many years the manager/matron of the North Cumbria Hospice and is now involved with Churches Together.   Her talk was related to her life and how she got involved with the Hospice Movement following being a manager of a number of  NHS hospitals.   A very interesting speaker with a lot of knowledge regarding the current problems with the NHS.